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Consultant on Issues Related to Support of Implementation of Models Of Organizational and Business Process



Project Period:


Project Value:

$ 117.690

No of Staff Provided:


Origin of Funding:

World Bank

Name of Client/ Beneficiary:

Ministry of Labor and Social Policy – World Bank

Description of Project:


The objective of the project is the provision of consultancy services in the process of practical implementation of the new models in pilot offices of labor and social protection of population at both regional and local levels, provision of assistance in adoption of regulatory legal acts to formalize the activity based on the new models in pilot offices, provision of methodological support during the transition to operation under the new models and provision of guidance for the pilot offices and staff.
European Profiles SA has provided support in national level implementation of the Type model of organization of activity in regional offices and implementation of the improved Standard model of provision of social assistance at the local level.

European Profiles S.A. has also supported the development and adoption of regulatory legal acts to formalize the activity based on the new models, and has also provided methodological support during the transition to operation under the new models and guidance for the pilot offices.

Services Provided:

  • Further implementation of the Type model of organization of activity in regional bodies of labor and social protection of population with due consideration of implementation of the Information and Analytical System of Social Protection of Population (IASSPP) at the local, regional and central levels
  • Further implementation of the Standard model of provision of social assistance at the local level with due account taken ofthe IASSPP implementation.
  • Development of a questionnaire for evaluation of specialists to determine their official duties during the transition of the office to operation under the new model (separately for specialists of regional and local levels) and subsequent planning of activities of professional development (trainings, seminars, etc.).
  • Conduction of survey among specialists of pilot offices of labor and social protection of population. Based on the results of processing of the filled-in questionnaires, provide recommendations to managers as regards the distribution of process flows and official duties among specialists under the new models and determination of subjects and scope of professional development activities (trainings on communication, business language, organization of operation in subdivisions, preparation of analytical materials, summarization of materials, etc.)
  • Development of type (exemplary) training programs for specialist of bodies of labor and social protection of population (separately for regional and local levels) to facilitate their effective work under the new models.
  • Trainings in pilot regions for specialist of bodies of labor and social protection of population in order to facilitate their effective work under the new models. The subjects, duration, number of programs and timeframe have been agreed with heads of the pilot bodies of labor and social protection of population.
  • Conduction of two educational seminars for specialists of the Ministry of Social Policy and regional bodies of labor and social protection of population. Finalization of Recommendations on the implementation of the Type model of organization of activity in regional bodies of labor and social protection of population and the Standard model of provision of social assistance at the local level
  • Roundtable meeting with the specialists of the Ministry of Social Policy, the Ministry of Finance and other stakeholder ministries and agencies to review current issues of organization of operation of regional and local bodies of labor and social protection of population and the process of provision of social assistance at the local level as well as the benefits of the proposed new working methods.
  • Prepare specifications and terms of reference for the implementation of the system of electronic circulation of documents for regional and local bodies of labor and social protection of population in the new IASSPP
  • Participate in the preparation of materials and calculations for the development of documentation to support reforms in the social sphere, namely the action plan, feasibility study, in particular, on integration of the assistance and services provision system and interaction of offices of labor and social protection of population with foster homes, community social service centers, rehabilitation facilities for disabled persons, institutions and facilities for homeless persons and persons released from places of confinement, centers for families, children and young people, public and NGOs at the central, regional and local levels. 

Name of Partners: